Overcoming the Blank Page
I wonder how many of us struggle with getting started. We have an idea, or dream but convince ourselves we can’t do it because we don’t see the next step.
I wonder how many of us struggle with getting started. We have an idea, or dream but convince ourselves we can’t do it because we don’t see the next step.
Doesn’t today seem like a modern wilderness? We are wandering aimlessly in this dessert of a pandemic. Growing tensions and divisions are unlike anything my generation and others has ever seen.
My first job out of college was working in the marketing department of our local newspaper. One day, my boss
I did a thing. I deactivated Facebook and Instagram. Truth be told, I’ve wanted to for a while. I know
Life changes in the blink of an eye, but time and perseverance can help things get better… Even when life is hard, I know it can always become beautiful again.
Corona has changed things. Don’t let it change you. Keep dreaming. Keep fighting. Keep working. Keep doing.
Whatever this day or this season brings you, keep the faith. Keep hoping. Keep your eyes fixed on Him.
I’ve been thinking a lot this week about life and it’s phases. On Monday I went to Mamaw’s house, but
A favorite tea of mine occasionally gifts me with this reminder. I like to reflect on this wisdom as the
Today’s Gospel reading from Mark 1:29-39 reminds me of motherhood. Jesus Is busy. He has a lot going on. He