Market Your Pediatric Optometry Practice Now with These 5 Back-to-School Tips

Summer is in full swing. The kids are out, and vacations are underway. But if you’re a pediatric optometrist, now is the perfect time to prepare your practice for the Back to School Season.

Here are some ideas to get you started:

1. Highlight the importance of annual eye exams on your website, blog, and social media platforms

Those in the optometry industry know Back to School season means eye exams and vision screenings. But most families are focused on having fun in the sun. Use this time to start updating your website and social media messaging so parents can start thinking about scheduling eye exams before the back-to-school rush.

2. Prepare educational materials and signage for your practice waiting room

What are the signs a child might need eyeglasses? How often do children need vision exams? When should they get their first eye exam? Create office signage and brochures to help educate patients about the best ways to care for their children’s eyes.

3. Engage area schools

Public schools, private schools, preschools, and daycares will all do vision screenings this fall. Make a list of schools in the area that your office serves. Offer a classroom visit or provide a newsletter writeup reminding parents about the importance of annual eye exams. If your office has branded marketing materials or coloring sheets, drop off a few copies with the school nurse so kids with probable vision issues can be easily referred to your practice.

4. Build relationships with local pediatricians

Research pediatricians in your area. Call or stop by to introduce yourself and share a bit about your practice. Let them know you’re taking new patients and accepting referrals of kids with probable vision issues.

5. Increase referral business by celebrating new glasses!

Getting new glasses can be a scary and uncertain experience for kids and families. Consider ways to make the experience more fun. Can you take the patient’s picture against a fun backdrop and share it on social media? Can you coach staff to smile and engage more with kids who are getting new glasses? Parents talk, and a great experience will keep your patients referring other families your way.

White Label Copies of "I'm Getting New Glasses!" by Beth Ann Ramos available to market your pediatric or optometry practice!

BONUS: Make your marketing strategy even more impactful with bulk or white-label copies of “I’m Getting New Glasses!” for your practice!

Make a great first impression, build your brand, and help kids feel great about their new frames by gifting them a book! You can even leave copies in your waiting room and arm referral partners with white-label books. This impactful marketing tool lets you strengthen relationships with current and prospective patients while helping kids celebrate their new frames!

For more information, email books {at}

New Glasses Coloring Sheets for Kids- Beth Ann Ramos

You can also print and share our free “I’m Getting New Glasses!” coloring sheets!

Let’s make getting new eyeglasses a reason to celebrate!

The parody, “I’m Getting New Bifocals!” is also available for reluctant grown-ups!

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