Young children are notorious for asking, “Why?” “Why can’t I have candy for dinner?” “Why is the sky blue?” “Why can’t I wear pajamas all day?” They want to understand the reasons behind everything. It can be exasperating for us as grownups.
But “why?” is a simple and powerful question. It helps us visualize the potential impact of our actions. It can motivate us to stay focused and move forward until our desired outcome is realized. While we adults tend to accept the status quo, imitating the curiosity of our kids and asking “why” more often would help us gain clarity and make more of our goals a reality.
This week, I launched my first course, “Write, Illustrate, and Publish Your Children’s Book.” In this course, one of the first things I ask aspiring authors to consider is their “why.” Why do you want to write a children’s book? Why do you want to write that children’s book? The right answer will propel them to their goal of becoming a children’s book author. It will help them persevere when things get hard, or they feel stuck.
Setting arbitrary goals without fully buying into our “why” leads to frustration. We don’t feel motivated. We quit, sometimes before we’ve even started. This is why defining your “why” matters so much. The right reason for pursuing your goals will justify the work required.
When setting a goal and defining your why, ask yourself these three questions.
Does my “why” provide clarity and help me focus?
Asking “why” will help you uncover a deeper meaning behind your goals. It will help you determine what really matters to you and will guide your choices. When you clearly understand why you want to achieve your goal, you can better align your actions and prioritize your efforts. The right “why” makes it easier to stay on track when faced with obstacles or distractions.
Is my “why” motivating?
The right “why” should ignite a sense of passion and purpose within you. When the going gets tough, understanding the underlying reasons behind your goals helps you stay committed and resilient. Your “why” reminds you of how great reaching your desired outcome will be. It will propel you and fuel you when you are challenged.
Is my “why” consistent with my interests and values?
Your “why” must align with your interests and values if you want to be successful. What motivates you and what motivates me could be very different things. Sometimes, what we think will motivate us isn’t the right motivator at all. Get honest with yourself about what really matters. And keep in mind that your values and interests will naturally change and evolve over time.
A Renewed “Why”
This week I made a renewed commitment to my health and wellness. Unlike when my superficial “why” was hopes of a flat tummy or smaller dress size, I have a clear and motivating “why” that aligns with my current priorities and values. My energetic little boys are coming home for summer. I know it’s hard to keep up with them when I’m not feeling fit. I need energy, and I need to feel my best. For me, this serves as the motivation I need to pass on processed foods and sugary snacks. My “why,” having more energy to keep up with the kids, is consistent with my values, will help us enjoy our summer together, and is well worth passing on ice cream or squeezing in a workout for.
What goals are you chasing? Do you want to write a book? Earn a degree? Have the energy to chase your kids around this summer? Get clear on your “why,” and you’ll have what it takes to make your goal a reality.