When Life Is Hard

In today’s readings, Moses is in the midst of spending 40 years wandering the dessert with God’s people. Though God has given them food to eat, the people are tired. They are exhausted and angry at God and Moses. (Numbers 21:4-5)

Doesn’t today seem like a modern wilderness? We are wandering aimlessly in this dessert of a pandemic. Growing tensions and divisions are unlike anything my generation and others has ever seen.

Though I don’t like to admit it, I resonate with the people in the wilderness. Life does feel like a dessert. It is hard and can feel especially monotonous, unending, and frustrating. There is no rest, and I wonder what God is doing and how long these struggles will continue. 

The Psalms remind us of the reality. Certainly in Moses’ day, but also in our wilderness today, God remains. He is faithful, and he is good. We are reminded not to forget the works of the Lord.  (Psalm 78:7b) In the Gospel, we are reminded to keep our eyes on Jesus, and on His redemptive cross. That, like the serpent Moses mounted to a pole in the desert, we can be saved by the cross of Jesus. (John 3:13-17)

Over and over during these times, I think about St. Peter. I think about him being able to walk on the waves, so long as he keeps his eyes on Christ and not the troubles of the storm. Today I pray that you and I will also focus on Jesus, remembering that He is good and that he will carry us through if we only have faith and keep our eyes on him. 

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